Trilateral and rear dumper trucks

During the side dumping process the tailgate allows for a maximum opening of 120° without interfering with other components of the frame and protecting the wheels from the material.

The side tailgates are load-bearing and therefore may be used as a ramp for tilting from a greater distance when near slopes.

The full opening of about 180° makes the loading of huge stones or pelletized goods easier, thus avoiding needless strain.

During the rear tilting, when the particular conditions of the material prevent it from being easily unloaded, it is possible to open both tailgates a little, thus avoiding the pressure that the load would put on the external walls and allowing it to unload.


The product most developed in our workshops is the dumper truck equipped with an opening system by means of lateral hydraulic tailgates.

A safe and easy system allows the operator to carry out all dumping operations and tailgate opening without ever getting out of the vehicle.

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